Take a deeper dive into specific sections of contract documents with this special lunch and learn series, presented by AGC members. Building professionals use blueprints to present design information in a variety of ways, and these three classes will allow attendees to better understand the Electrical, Architectural, and Mechanical sections.

Presenters are Jason Hargis with Adman Electric, Jessica Stack with Tinker Ma, and Collins Womack with Jake Marshall, LLC.


Electrical Drawings: Tuesday, June 13 at 12pm

Architectural Drawings: Tuesday, June 20 at 12pm

Mechanical/HVAC Drawings: Tuesday, July 11, 12pm

Construction Career Center
2225 Roanoke Avenue, Chattanooga, TN, 37406


$15 for Lunch
REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED!  Please complete the form below

Blueprint Reading Lunch & Learn Series
AGC members will be invoiced unless you call the office at (423) 265-1111