Member Benefits
Member Benefits
Workers Compensation through CompTrust AGC
AGC East Tennessee is proud to offer CompTrust AGC, a competitive workers compensation program exclusively for AGC members. This program was designed by contractors to meet the needs of contractors with coverage in all 50 states, robust dividends, free safety training and support, and the backing of A.M. Best A+ and S&P A+ ratings.
This established program has served members of AGC Georgia for decades and we are pleased to present this program to our chapter members.
Contact your insurance agent to learn more about CompTrust AGC as a competitive option for your company.

401K Plan Through Mutual of America
By joining AGC East Tennessee 401(k) Plan, you are able to provide a powerful retirement plan for your employees while saving money and spending less time administering it. Our multi-employer plans lets members have all the advantages and flexibility of a stand-alone plan sponsor without the expenses and administrative burden associated with sponsoring a single employer plan.
- No annual audit
- Cost savings on the investments
- No individual Form 5500 reporting
- Minimal plan maintenance
- Flexible plan features, including safe harbor, Roth, and profit sharing
- Customizable 401(k) plan design options involving eligibility, matches, vesting schedules, and more
- PLUS, Mutual of America will handle all of the paperwork for you – employee eligibility tracking, distribution processing, plan compliance, annual reporting, participant enrollment, etc.
Member Discounts Pay Big
Are you leaving money on the table? AGC Members saved over $18 million last year using AGC Member Discount Programs.
Through AGC of America and AGC East Tennessee, our members (and their employees) have access to discounts on a wide range of products and services – fuel, fleets, phone service, equipment, uniforms, office supplies, shipping, as well as construction-related programs like Autodesk, Procore, Arcoro and more. Members using these discounts can actually pay for their membership. View our available discounts and see how you can start saving!